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I'm having trouble pouring worms, sticks

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From all I have read, worms and sticks should be the easiest to pour!

But everytime I try, they come out hollow from halfway up to the top and my mold overflows mid pour. :o

I have done my research in depth on this site, but still I struggle...

Heres what I have tried so far...

I make my own plaster molds..I made a two part mold with a couple of 5 inch worms...

I use a microwave, pyrex, and whatever plastic one gets from Janns Netcraft.

The cavities are coated with enamel, and oiled before I pour...

There is an air exit hole at the tail of the worm almost the same size of the worm...

I have heated my plastic to different temps, sometimes so hot i burn it, but always in 10 sec intervals...

I always pour as thin a stream as possible before the stuff cools mid air...

I've tried to pour one half with the mold open, then the other...

I've tried to pour the whole worm with the mold shut...

Still my worms come out hollow, or in the case of the one-half-then-the other pours, one half is good (the first half), and the other half (which I pour with the mold closed) plugs up and is just a string when I open the mold...

I have poured successful swims, and craws and such, with one part molds, but even when I try grubs and such in the two part mold they often come up hollow as well, although I have had a little success with them in two part molds. So I tried to do worms as I understand they are easier. Bah!


Thanks all,


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This is a very simple and common problem. it has nothing to do with the molds, or plastic.

whats happening is that your plastic is cooling, as it cools it shrinks. and/or you have lots of air in your plastic when your pouring and as it sits the air bubbles go up.

the only way to fix this is to make sure you don't cover the pouring hole with plastic until you are completely filled up, then keep it filled as long as necc.

in pop molds and RTV molds its a tad more of a pain amd happens alot more than alum molds becuase it takes longer to cool.

All you need to do is pour down the center and not cover that entrance hole, keep the cavity filled with hot plastic and you will be just fine.


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I'll try those things tonight. You're right about both the temp and the bubbles. I try my best to stir out the bubbles, but sometimes I just can't get rid of 'em. I'm using stainless to stir with.

It does feel like the stuff cools just too fast. I can't tell if it is from sliding down the pyrex out to the spout, or if my mold is cold or what, but I'll try the center pour for sure.

Thanks Del


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