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Finished Presto Pot

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I gotta agree on the patent pending , I was the one who told you on the phone and in posts on this website with pictures on how to build them, especially the mixing part. One of my customers was the one who came up with the motor idea, I came up with the paddles.

The only reason I am against the patent BS is because I have a customer right now that is trying to patent something that people have made for years and sold since 2001-02 off my molds.My opinion it won't fly and if I have to fight it for others I will ( he knows this). however he was telling me that if there is no patent on it he can patent it.

I have nothing against people patenting stuff dont get me wrong, however patenting something that it filled with other peoples ideas just wont fly. you can get a patent on it but as soon as you try to enforce your patent you woud loose ever case.


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Great idea!!! Gary Yamamoto came up with the Senko and didn't patent it. Everyone in the world is making knock-offs now, but I guess since nobody has patented it up until now I should apply for a patent (LMAO).

This guy shows a lot of class, I hope he doesn't apply for a patent to "take a dump" or we all in dee Sh--.

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Guys I was only kidding………….on the Patent….I have given out just about every bit of information on the presto except exact measurements on this forum and I think I even did that once on the paddle. Everything I know about plastic & pouring was learned here.

DelW your original picture and even the type of motor helped greatly.

Redg8r ???

Your also on notice about the incessant promotion of your pot in the soft plastic forums. You can take out a banner ad, or classified ad, or list it for free in the supplier directory (you are a club member).

I surely don’t want to break any forum rules and sorry If I have. I did take a classified ad out before I ever posted about selling them. But it seems to have disappeared. I did pay a fee to list it.

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Well it is a Presto Pot Walmart $22.50

Stiring motor Granigers 4z147 $77.50

1/4" brass nipple $2.00

1/4 to 3/8" bushin $2.00

3/8" ball valve $ 8.00

some metal or aluminum to make motor support and stiring paddle $10.00

3/8" threaded rod 12" is plenty $3.00

3/8" coupling motor shaft to threaded rod

some 3/8" nuts

some 1/8" machine screws nuts to attach motor

Table to support everything mine is a router table but can be made of wood.

tools; drill bits to 7/16"

1/4 npt tap $7.00

file & hack saw your done

Want one I'll give you a price done in a box tested?

Video http://www.dropshots.com/MBroggi#dat...02-02/15:26:18

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Just my 2 cents on this. Mike originally made these so he could teach the kids in his proram to pour. Mike has a full time job already, he's not making these to be a business, just doing the legwork for guys ho may not have the time/talent or tools.

His kids have poured worms for our CAST For Kids Program in RI and also to promote breast cancer awareness in Massachussetts.

I'm just saying, if "character" or "integrity" are in question here, I'll GLADLY vouch for anything with his screenname on it.

Russ Thetonia

Eastern Events Director

C.A.S.T. For Kids Foundation

BassResource.com Staff

Guys I was only kidding
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Duly noted,

He said he was indeed kidding, which answers my question.

I'm all about our members helping to provide solutions for those who need it.

Mike Obviously puts alot of labor into his offering & he deserves to earn a return on that labor.

Prochallenger.... I don't have a clue what your getting at, but you've asked repeatedly to have your account removed.... so why do you keep coming back? If you don't like how we run the site, take your ball & go home.

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if my post came off a little harsh sorry. I was trying to figure out were you were coming from on the patent idea.

This isnt america,its tackle underground where the chosen few can do and say whatever they want,havent you figured that out yet:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::worship:

Dude you got some issues, you should first start by learning to tell the truth with no lieing or made up BS.

Believe me there is no Choosen few, I've been pecker slapped a few times, I just stick up for my self and dont take crap or LIES from no one..

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No problems guys I guess the Idea of Publishing and Copyrighting the cook book wouldnt fly.......

Bear check you PP account I refunded you the amount for the shipping damaged Presto. Sorry for the Delay just caught me at a time I couldnt be close to a computer. I had been away since Friday Am camping with the Jr Bassmasters. We had to leave the campground after the storms here Saturday night & head back Sunday.

I added an extra $5.00 for your trouble.

I cant believe UPS actually snapped and ear off the pot, I sent the pictures to UPS and like we said it wasn't worth the trouble. From your email you had some weather issues also. That UPSP Express package took 10 days to get there?

The money has been sent!

You have sent $30.00 USD to bear21211

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redg8r,I come back because I cant believe the things that go on here,The chosen few who buy your ad space can do and say just about anything,its true,this is a world of its own and you and a couple of others are GOD!:worship:LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and del who are you calling anyone a liar,seems to me almost everyone has had issues with you not telling the truth,pot calling the kettle black,Everytime some one has an opinion you take a pop shot and call someone either a liar or some other name and you get away with it because you buy ad space and you own some mold company,big deal.

Edited by prochallenger
forgot one thing
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redg8r,I come back because I cant believe the things that go on here,The chosen few who buy your ad space can do and say just about anything,its true,this is a world of its own and you and a couple of others are GOD!:worship:LOL:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: and del who are you calling anyone a liar,seems to me almost everyone has had issues with you not telling the truth,pot calling the kettle black,Everytime some one has an opinion you take a pop shot and call someone either a liar or some other name and you get away with it because you buy ad space and you own some mold company,big deal.

your wrong on pretty much all accounts.

I can buy ad space but that doesnt mean I get any special treatment. nor do I expect it. red and I don't agree on alot of things when it comes to posts, thats fine its his board. I would love to see them all never deleted, that way any and every company can give there side of the story. about 75% of the time the one doing the *****ing is WRONG ( Imagine that). Hey people have legitimate complaints I have no problem with it. when people tell lies, exagerate the truth I do have a problem with it. that goes for the same with anyones product, I have stuck up for lure craft M-f and a host of others. If I know someone if lieing about them I will make sure its pointed out.

I could always post your old post if you want, as I am sure I have it here somewere on my pc, then we can let other be the judge of what you said. its no biggy to me cause I think its funnier than Crap. I personally wish they never deleted alot fo the threads that had been delete this would show how crooked some people are. but lets not forget the fact that you also pulled the same stunt on als worms on an ebay auction. He pm'd me with in 10 mins after you posted and told me what you did. that combined with the BS I got from you and the wishy washy crap posted I opted to pull your order and refuse to sell to you. WHY? one reason is due to the telephone conversation we have as the stuff was mailed and you said you were going to cancel. so I would get that money deducted out fo my account and you get free product NICE, also because in the past I have had guys get the product then call there cc card company saying this or that and renigged on payment. so I am left with a bill that I have to pay, and you get a free product that you scammed. its been a long going scam with a few people on the internet. those scams cost in the thousands ever year just to me alone. I am still trying to collect on about 15 people for about $5000 just this year alone. it almost makes it worth an airline ticket to pay them a visit. thats ok I have a very long memory and pay back is a *****.

Because I am a business should I take crap from you or anyone else? Nope not hardly. if I am wrong I will deal with it , if I am not I will deal with it, and trust me I have admitted plenty of times I screwed up.

BTW I am not here to sell stuff, I also help as many people as I can with pouring, I dont give a rats behind were they get the stuff.

its too bad lurecraft ad Mf and most other business's dont have the balls to stand up for themselves they get screwed all the time by people like you.I just take a different approach to it :)

If you have any examples ont these so called "OPINIONS" I would definatly love to see them I can guess which ones they are just from a few of your toher posts and can put them to rest with the org emails and posts. but go ahead try me .

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Here we go,this is exactly what im talking about,Now im an online scammer,you are so full of$%##,the funny thing is the only reason you are even on this board is to promote your molds and whatever else it is you sell,you know and so does everyone else here,as for als worms he sent me lure colorings that were spilled in the box and I wanted a refund for the spilled material,ask him,again your full of it.I also stick up for myself and dont let anyone push me around,here or elsewhere,I was the one in school who kicked the $#$^out of the guy who was picking on the fat kid,so I take no bull,your stories are one sided opinions,I never lied about anything,I just gave up on the fight because here it was going nowhere,and you know as well as I do your not a well liked peron here for just thee reasons,when I posted the fact that it was going to take so long to get my plastic and you canceled my order here on the forum,that was real nice i recieved over 20 pm,s from members here including some hiarchy who had less than admirable things to say about you and your buisiness but asked me if I would tone it down and then and only then did I make a post apologising,those are the facts like them or not.:yeah:Also I spend hundreds of dollars with lurecraft,ozark tackle,barlows and stamina,I have scewed no one,Another lie,boy your full of them,you can so anything you want,well you can anyway but this is your opinion,People like lurecraft,ozarks,barlows dont get screwed like you because they are honest ,no bull buisinesses,they dont piss people off by lieing to them,once you figure that out you may have a happier customers1

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Here we go,this is exactly what im talking about,Now im an online scammer,you are so full of$%##,the funny thing is the only reason you are even on this board is to promote your molds and whatever else it is you sell,you know and so does everyone else here,as for als worms he sent me lure colorings that were spilled in the box and I wanted a refund for the spilled material,ask him,again your full of it.I also stick up for myself and dont let anyone push me around,here or elsewhere,I was the one in school who kicked the $#$^out of the guy who was picking on the fat kid,so I take no bull,your stories are one sided opinions,I never lied about anything,I just gave up on the fight because here it was going nowhere,and you know as well as I do your not a well liked peron here for just thee reasons,when I posted the fact that it was going to take so long to get my plastic and you canceled my order here on the forum,that was real nice i recieved over 20 pm,s from members here including some hiarchy who had less than admirable things to say about you and your buisiness but asked me if I would tone it down and then and only then did I make a post apologising,those are the facts like them or not.:yeah:Also I spend hundreds of dollars with lurecraft,ozark tackle,barlows and stamina,I have scewed no one,Another lie,boy your full of them,

if I recall you ordered it on a late friday night but that wasnt good enough for you I believe we shipped that out on a tuesday I doubt it was on that monday. anyway there was one reason why we delayed it one day it was because you left a pretty nasty msg as to why you didnt get it on monday morning,(even after I told you UPS doesnt deliever on weekends) so I held off one day till I could get ahold of you on the phone. then once it was shipped you again left a nasty msg on the phone Again and when I talked to you it seemed like everythign was understood then a post on the board plus als pm and another nasty phone msg, and thats when I said screw it your done dude.

I am pretty sure we mailed it to you in 2 business days.

I can pull up the info if you like as it would be no big deal to me, I dont know the PW to UPS but I can ask April for it.

your choice ;)

however you have to admit, me telling you on your bs post( your very first post no less) you weren't going to get the order was a true classic, bet you never bad mouthed another company online again after that either. but you sure have gotten some mileage out of the del-mart one ;)

come on jerry pull that post out of the archives lets put some truth to this bs. Besides I need to make sure my dates were close.

al didnt mention about the coloring I believe he mentioned about the worm orders maybe that is a new one? and you doing it to some other guys online(ebay) as well.

BTW read everyone of my post I highly doubt you will find any that promotes my product. I have been on TU since the begining and the board before this one was even started. if there is its a definate screw up on my part, cause I don't Promote my stuff on My own fishing board or any other board I visit. The people on my fishing board in my state that know me through tournys or through my fishing board have no clue its me who is Del-mart.

edit: I wasnt saying you were an online scammer,I was saying thats its a scam the pull cancling cc cards after the order. I should have worded that a little better.

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There was no bs post,I posted asking people here if they thought this was reasonable time to expect the plastic.I then remember saying you were going to cancel my order,,I never once called you and left any nasty phone messages,that is what is really pissing me off,and where do you get off saying im a scammer?I never scamed anyone nor do I plan too,again you are lieing,ask kim at lurecraft whos a scammer,if you can prove im a scammer by all means,if not shut the hell up,get your stories straight,.and also that first post had no ill effect on me,I still air my side in any forum if I think Im right,I never mention any names on my posts exept in the first one but you always seem to jump right in,thats why im always looking to chime in on one of yours or one you have your 2 cents in,Oh and I never ordered any worms from al so get it right or dont post your bs.

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There was no bs post,I posted asking people here if they thought this was reasonable time to expect the plastic.I then remember saying you were going to cancel mky order,,I never once called you and left any nasty phone messages,that is what is really pissing me off,and where do you get off saying im a scammer?I never scamed anyone nor do I plan too>again you are lieing,ask kim at lurecraft whos a scammer,if you can prove im a scammer by all means,if not shut the hell up,get your stories straight,your worse than an old lady.

As far as the scammer part read my last post on the bottom, I worded that wrong

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Just for the record I admit I was pissed off about the plastic,I thought I could get it sooner,I thought it should have went out on saturday not knowing how some of these shipping services ship and have already owned up to that nut dont keep throwing that in my face,these other post do not have anything to do with you,mind your own buisiness, I had no plans to scam you or anyone,when ever I post a comment on any issue you seem to chime in,I have never mentioned your name and how do you know the posts are even aimed at you,because they are not but you seem to insert yourself in the replies,I would have to say that maybe you may have a complex,stop thinking everything is about del,im done ,have a great evening.:yawn:

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Just for the record I had no plans to scam you or anyone,when ever I post a comment on any issue you seem to chime in,I have never mentioned your name and how do you know the posts are even aimed at you,because they are not but you seem to insert yourself in the replies,I would have to say that maybe you may have a complex,stop thinking everything is about del,im done ,have a great evening.:yawn:

its pretty easy to figure out, considering you have posted this before

This isnt america,its tackle underground where the chosen few can do and say whatever they want,havent you figured that out yet

you know it and I know it thats all that matters., the thread would have gone ok except you had to attack this forum and with being hotheaded again

what was the point of that post anyhow, as none of the following would have happened.

I am done to cause the thread is dead, have a nice night ;)

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