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basstrix paddle tail tubes

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:popcorn:Why isnt this post just made a sticky?

There is a better thread also it has a picture and how to dip the blade. will also give you a better idea.

I was going to grabb all the basstrix stuff and put it all in one post(condence it) at one time but just got to busy.

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What does the hollow part of the bait do anyways?? Is it some sorta secret magical spot?

The 'hollow part' serves two purposes:

  1. It creates a void in the center of the bait from just behind the head all the way through the paddle on the tail that allows the bait to be extremely buoyant and swim up-right; assuming the bait is rigged properly.
  2. Additionally, being that the bait is very soft and pliable, when a fish hits it, the pocket collapses easily making for a much higher percentage of successful hook-sets; assuming the bait is rigged properly.

I've found that these baits are light-weight, buoyant, and life-like with phenomenal action; much more so than a solid bait (not to say they don't and won't catch fish, cause they do).

The hollow part is, in fact, the secret magical spot!

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