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Ben J

Pitting in bait?

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Are you sure the mold is completely smooth? The plastic is going to pick up every little detail in the mold. I've bought numerous RTV molds that look smooth, but when you pour plastic in them they are pretty much junk. Try putting some worm oil or scent in the mold before you pour (a very light coat, or it will run). See if that helps at all.

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I would assume the bubbles are in the plastic. Do you see bubbles in your plastic? If I had to guess what is happening is after you pour, the bubbles rise to the top and as the baits cools they pop leaving the pits. I am sure someone else will chime in on this. As for getting rid of the bubbles, I just wait for them to surface and pop before pouring. Sometimes, I have to heat and reheat in short burst until they are all gone. Saint.

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Absolutley not. I use old table knives; or at least I told my wife they were old; lol.

Wood will put bubbles in the plastic. When you stir the plastic don't do it too fast ( don't try to make whipped cream). That will definatley make bubbles. Stir like you would a cup of coffee.

Heat you plastic in bursts if you are using a micro and stir between each burst. Don't try to heat the plastic too quickly; this is something you can't rush. Everything you do with this hobby/addiction is slow and steady.

What brand of plastic are you using?


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I had that same problem when I first started using RTV and pouring, to be honest I never figured it out. I am pretty sure it was do to the oils in the RTV or spots that the plastic was just voided from kinda like fish eye in paint.

I am sure Chris from als worms has an answer cause if I remember right way back on the old tacklemaking board he was the one who helped me out ( hopefully he is not to old to remember LOL)

bubbles in plastic doesn't usually happen on the part that touchs the mold as bubbles will rise in the heated plastic


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I don't do enough rtv molds or pouring in RTV to even guess, the only thing is when I first saw this pic and the problem you described it came in my mind to be A "Normal problem", like I said if I remember correctly chris was the one who helped me out on it a very long time ago. I havent poured RTV stuff in a while except maybe here and there but they are for me and I don't care what my personal baits look like,


Oh you know one thing I am thinking, is did you have any water or moisture in that mold? Ie clean them out with a damp towel or something?

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You're right. I am too old to remember. :lol:

Seriously, I don't remember ever having this problem, but it sounds like all you guys are on the right track. If there's not indentations in the RTV mold itself, then I'd say it's bubbles in the plastic or you may have gotten moisture in the mold. Don't clean the molds with any water-based product (lots of household cleaners are exactly that.......water-based).

Now that I think about it, I used a defoaming agent in the plastic years ago (Del.......this might be what you're talking about?). From what I remember, it was made for a carpet cleaner. Strange, but it worked. Can't think of the brand name (Zip....Zep.....something like that :? )

Anyway, if bubbles are the issue, I'd do what was already recommended. Heat your plastic until you see no bubbles before you pour.

Sorry for the novel fellas.

Carry on. :)

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Has anyone built an agitator for PoP moulding. I had in mind a small cheap battery operated motor with a piece of wood epoxied to the spindle, slightly offset. The motor is firmly fixed to the tray. The offset load will set off a vibration strong enough to free the bubbles and leave you hands free.

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