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Coloring Soft Plastic Lures

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I am not sure I am ready yet to start pouring my own soft plastics.

What I'd really like to do is take some existing products and colour them the way I want to match my local forage.

I don't like the heavy garlic dyes - plus they have a very limited color selection.

I am wondering - can I not take the same dyes you folks use to color your soft plastics, dip in a small paint brush and color/dye the existing soft plastics.

is this not possible???

Thanks for your help

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Not possible, it's not a paint, but if you want purple fingers for a while just shake up some indigo without a cap on it :-)

Seriously LC has some nice plastic paints but limited colors, I use them on frogs but they might be better suited for airbrushing, but if your gonna airbrush soft plastics, you might have too much time on your hands

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You can use the dyes that we use to color our soft plastic if you put the dye into a small amount of clear PVC cement.You have to be quick and the outside is prefered.Really has a odor to it.I used paper match sticks (used)with the end flared,and Q TIPS as a brush.You won't get great detail but it wont come off.Remember outside and very small amounts.Maybe two kitchen match heads in size.I know you can get a thinner for the glue,but I really don't like the oder,so I gave up on it.The tube lures did really looked good,but too much trouble.

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