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Little scale trick I came up with.

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Well its probably been done before, but I was having a little trouble keeping the mesh fabric in position so looking for something a little different I purchased some wire mesh that you use for making plaster molds. It forms really well to the bait and has a very fine mesh. I took an old bait just like the one im painting and cut a piece a little bigger than the side Im about to mold, then just press the wire around one side and then another piece for the other side. I put small pieces of masking tape on the inside edge to keep the sharp edges from scraping bait.Now you have a reusable scale template for the bait. It cuts very easy with sissors and depending on which way you bend it you can get almost any scale pattern you want. clamp it on with 2 alligator clips one at the tail and one at the bill........

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When I was doing hardbaits in the early 90's I came up with a divice that looks like a book. Mesh on both sides with a divider in the middle so you can put 2 baits at once. Close the "book" and airbrush both sides; open it and take out the baits to hang for drying. Takes longer to say it than to do it.

In my hayday I used to turn out around 100 baits a week.

I'll have to draw it out and post it for you HB guys.


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I have been using a similar product for the past year that "b75nweav" talks about.I found it at Michaels' and it works perfectly. You just cut to match your lure shape and size, then conform it around the bait. Holds it shape and you can paint with it indefinitely. You clean it with solvent and you're good to go again.

The product is called Wireform and it is a 100% aluminum mesh. You can buy it in varying mesh sizes for whatever you need. From 1/16" up to 1/4" I believe. Cuts very well with heavy duty scissors. One tip you ya though, I found that spraying a coat of clear over the bait before installing the mesh prevents scratching and marking of the underpaint from the aluminum mesh.....:yeah:

Good fishin'


Life is too short.....FISH HARD!!!

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  Vodkaman said:
B75' I just checked out the gallery for your work. This scale technique, was it used on the 'newest redbreast' lure? It looks very good, in fact all your work looks excellent. Thank's for sharing.

Yes that was actually the first one I tried it with. Worked really well. also I used a good pic of a redbreast when painting that one and noticed it had small scales on the breast also, so I flipped the bait and cut about a 2 inch piece formed it on an old bait around the breast and used the form to paint the breast scales. dont know if you can see them in the pic. it fit so well I didn't need to clamp it down. I posted a better pic on the gallery that show's the scales I put on it.

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