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Del-mart molds

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my email has been slow today and yesterday.

I only got 30-50 porn emails, 5 I can make you a multi millionaire and 2 when you coming home for dinner emails ;)

did you send me one Jim, as its not here. Email sucks. Hey I got one from 2 years ago from Idaho, just came in over the weekend, I have never recieved a 2 year old email

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I called in an order and left a message on the machine. April got back and took care of everything I thought. A few minutes later Del called and wanted to clarify a few things. They aren't dodging anyone. If an email gets messed up, drop a dime and pick up the phone. I know all of us depend on the internet for our lifeblood, but the old school still works and it's great to talk one on one.:yeah:

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