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S.O.S-NEED HELP!! Bass bite trouble!!

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Make longer casts in clear water. Whatever size bait you are using go to opposite size. eg:- if you are throwing 6" baits try 3" baits. If you are throwing loud baits go quieter. If you are throwing bright colors throw dark colors. If you are fishing topwater throw sinkers. If you fishing fast go slower.

Without the info that Jim is asking for that's the best I can do.


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A lot of information will tell you do try the opposite as Nova stated. If you are fishing fast, speed up for a reaction bite.

Sometimes wacky colors will trigger a bite when the normal green pumpkin won't. Sometimes much larger baits will cause a bite vs a small bait.

Getting to know the forage for this time of year would be a key thing for me and then "matching the hatch" would be high on my list.

Guess that is why it is call fishing and not catching!!! Good luck!!!


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Take a Zoom finese worm in your favorite color and put it on a 1/0 hook with no weight and 6lb. line on a spinning rod and throw it. It is slow fishing but it works. If the worm is too light then put on a french fry instead. If they don't bite this.... then all of the fish are dead.


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Take a zoom speedworm, cut off the tail, texpose the worm body on a 2/0 weightless offset shank worm hook. Must use watermelon/red. Cast out, let sink to bottom, will fall slowly. If no takers, let set 30 seconds perfectly still, then lift slowly two feet to feel for fish, if nothing on, twitch the rod tip just once and let re-fall.....let set for 20 seconds....lift again, if nothing on, reel in at a moderate speed and re-cast to another likely spot near cover/structure. This lure resembles a Senko, but not having internal salt, will sink much more slowly and enticingly. Sometimes a skipping cast will get their attention a little better.

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On my waters in utah we go small small small on those days. like 1" tube bate is the biggest that we use. A 1/16 oz jig with sparkled dubbing (fly tying) striped with a tooth brush works well. If you cant get deep rig a larger jig 2 foot in front of the small jig. You can fish faster but you will see the fish always hits the small jig. Makes you wonder how often the is a small fish following your jig, you see a fish dart at your jig and no bite. Did it still get a meal?

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That's my suggestion, I would drop shot the hell out of them, I love fishing my own worms, but when it comes to dropshotting there is nothing better than a 4 inch springworm. http://www.productolure.com/proddetail.php?prod=SW4100. There are many serious money earning anglers that fish this worm. It's simply deadly when other lures fail to produce

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Ok i think that i will try a drop shot but i don't know very much about it, I will tell all that i know about the drop shot 1.tie a small bait hook about 2feet from the bottom of your line 2.place a tear weight at the bottom of the said line 3.put your worm on the hook and cast it in 4.lightly lift your rod tip so shake your worm 5.repeat

if anyone can fill me in on any of the hard to learn tips for dropshoting i would love to know.

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Try a trick worm wacky style. Insert a #2 owner mosquito hook in front of the egg sack from the top, turn it and bring it back up on the back side of the egg sack....weightless. Try black for this is an easy color to get but if you can find Tomato give it a try.....its killer,

Toss the worm in and let it fall for a couple seconds...twitch it 2 or 3 semi hard times on slack line ...let it fall repeat. When one grabs it he'll never let go. If you have any weeds it really shines when throwing into the pockets. IT WILL SNAG fairly easy if in timber and it will lightly catch in the weeds but you can pop it free....sometimes thats what it takes or at other times deadsticking works.

If you can't catch 'em like that I'll agree with Skeeter.....:wink:

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try a salmo hornet ,the #4 i think, throw it out past a tree or log and then s...l...o...w...l...y wind it over the tree. Make sure you get the floater, the sinker will get you hung up. this is a bait i found at gander Mt. and have caught a ton of fish in ponds and other small bodies of water doing this.

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In order for folks to help even better, put your location in your profile, it will show your location on your posts. If your water is unusually murky, it's possible your lake or pond has had a change over, making the fishing off for a couple weeks. If not, then the above and following tips may help.

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Have you considered that maybe they aren't there anymore? I always figure that ninety percent or more of the fish are in ten percent or less of the water. I think once you find a concentration of fish you will get a bite or two on most anything and then is the time to experiment with lures/techniques.

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Junebug or watermelon red Zoom Mag II, 1/8 ounce bullet weight, cast it far and reel it fast. twitch your rod tip like you would if you were using a spook. cover lots of water. you want a "walking the dog" action about 2' under water. DO NOT PEG YOUR WEIGHT. As you jerk the worm, the weight tends to slide 6 to 10 inches from the worm and back and helps get that "reaction strike" (simulates predator chasing prey)

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