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The Dutchman

coffee scent

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I have used coffee scents for 20 years, it does work. I got the scents from a friend that worked at a ink producer. It is oil based and mixes with hot plastic. The company name on the bottle is Ungerer Company, I found them online but never contacted them.You might try to google fragrance producers also. Let use know what you find out,by the way the bacon flavor far outdoes the coffee for me.


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I read the same article and thought, you must be kidding!. But I had a bag of hand poured 4" finesse worm laying on my work station so I dropped a pinch of fresh coffee into the bag. Last Thursday I rigged one on a drop shot, and started catching Smallies right away. Did it have anything to do with the coffee? I don't know. Will I try it again?You bet!

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Guys you could make your own by using fresh ground coffee and by adding either moonshine or glycerine oil or propylene glycol. Anyone of these will aborb the smell of the coffee. I used these in making lures for trapping for years. Allow this to set up for a couple weeks in mason jar. Don't screw the lid down to tight and I set it where it couldn't break or fall off and break etc.

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I tried instant coffee in the softner and it wasn't doing much after a couple of days. I then figured that if I heated it, it might dispurse the oils. Wrong; I put it in the micro and voila, out came a gummy mess. The coffee all bunched together and floated. It was really sticky.

I tossed that and got some "real" coffee. This seem to be better. 3 days on a sunny windowsill and it leached out pretty good. I'm now letting it drip through a coffee filter(slow process). I'll let you all know how it works out.


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I tried instant coffee in the softner and it wasn't doing much after a couple of days. I then figured that if I heated it, it might dispurse the oils. Wrong; I put it in the micro and voila, out came a gummy mess. The coffee all bunched together and floated. It was really sticky.

I tossed that and got some "real" coffee. This seem to be better. 3 days on a sunny windowsill and it leached out pretty good. I'm now letting it drip through a coffee filter(slow process). I'll let you all know how it works out.


Sounds easier to just buy the oil extract!

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I threw in the ground up unbrewed grounds just like I would my salt. They scent has been lasting about 3 weeks and is still very strong. If they sit in the sun and get warm the smell is even stronger. I put 1/4 cup of grounds to 1 cup of plastic. It also stiffened up the bait a little.

I tried these with green pumpkin and the color came out good but I can imagine there would be a problem with lighter colors. Maybe your on to something Nova, I would be interested to hear how it works out for you.....Jeff

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Update on the coffee in the softner.

I haven't used it yet but it took 2 days for the softner to leach through the grounds and the filter. Softner has a slight brownish tinge to it but the smell is pretty strong.

I also had a revilation this morning. I should have talen the coffee and put it in the filter; tied it off with a twist tie; and dropped it into the softner to "brew".

Oh well; I guess that's what experimentation is all about; lol.


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