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Website Help

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I was wondering if anyone of you computer gurus could possible help me out. I am trying to get my website re done and am having problems loading the shopping cart onto my server. I am an idiot when it comes to website stuff. I currently use OS Commerce, but am trying to switch to Zen Cart. I bought a cheap website builder called Web Easy 6 to re do the front pages of my site. I fooled around with it and was able to make a few simple pages that I like. The ones I have on my site now, I am not happy with. I just want it to be easy to navigate through. So if someone out there knows how to load my cart onto my server (Jaguar), I would be more than willing to pay you or give you a bunch of baits. Thanks.


West Coast Custom Tackle

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it just struck me as strange, still using Jaguar :) I thought it might be his server name, which doesn't mean anythign to us.

If it's for Mac, I'm gonna have to recommend Cyberduck, it should be listed on VT like LLSinbad mentioned. I hear there are better apps, but there are none cheaper!

Get your ducks in a row, find out the basic, pertinent info, then get in touch with someone that can help you further, but be sure and have everything handy already, such as ftp apps, files, passwords for you to log in, etc, to make it easier on everyone!

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