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Vodkaman last won the day on February 10

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About Vodkaman

  • Birthday 10/03/1956

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  1. A huge amount of spam over the last few weeks, even more than legit posts. Other than just reporting, can I help? Message me. Dave
  2. My vote would be horizontal, or nose to tail. Dave
  3. Sorry, I do not have a guaranteed solution for you, but there are plenty of UV guys that should step in here. My thoughts would be a glass divider to shield and/or a ventilating fan to draw away the heat. See what the others think first Dave
  4. I think the heat has expanded the air within the body. Dave
  5. The flattened nose is a good idea. You want a shape that will disturb the water, not simply glide through, I suggest a fatter nose. The 'twitch' action causes a single vortex down one side, causing the side deviation. The next twitch will move in the opposite direction provided not too much time between twitches. As usual, I am talking theoretical, I have never made this type of bait. I tried to resist posting, but alas.... Dave
  6. Vodkaman


    I too am using ABP. Dave
  7. Vodkaman


    Everything OK here (Firefox). Dave
  8. Someone at the patent office is not doing their job! Dave
  9. I thought this was sarcasm. an under rated form of humour. But, then I noticed that this was your first post, which makes this a very thoughtful post, getting right to the crux of the problem - Welcome Dave
  10. I have had problems in the past when my 'cookies' and history were over filled, even though other web sites were working perfectly. Do a Google search on 'how to'. I did mine a few weeks ago. After clearing, log out and restart computer. Dave
  11. I am not aware of a first post delay, but it would not surprise me. The site has been plagued for several months with multiple spam from China. You should give it a day or so and try again, if that fails, report back here and I or someone will help you. Dave
  12. As Aulrich points out, tow eye location is very important, and should be a part of your experimentation. Dave
  13. In my early days, I looked hard for a formula for lip length and width, it was the engineer in me. But alas, I failed. A sharp edge on the front face gives a stronger action, not so sure it is enough for you to notice. The thing is that every feature affects lip length; length and width of back, position and angle of lip, position of COG, and any other feature that I fail to mention. I make the lip a tad too big and trim it back until I get what I am looking for. Dave
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