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Garlic Scent

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i just im'ed z........ told him that was the funniest thing i ever heard, told him to call m-f 817-281-9488 explain to him the problem, they would probably replace it.

you thimk that color is bad try the flo pink.. still laughing

15 minutes later still laughing couldnt eat lunch without food flying out my mouth. we got to talking at lunch we dicided he probably wasent using the right hand to shake with, still laughing try using the hand you play with you shake with, there shouldnt be any problem.

lol shakeing the botle till you yall out M-F

good day all

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Just used some "new" KicknBass garlic...WOW!!!! I have 4 mil bags and it stunk bad throughout the house with just 3 drops.

I just got these sample amps but the 10 I got should last me more than a lifetime.

I'd be glad to drop one in the mail to anyone!! My wife would be even happier if I sent them all out. They Stink!!!


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