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Mr B

Stamina Jig head hook?

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This might be the same hook that someone earlier was asking about. I am looking for the hook that is in the Stamina Pro Football head.


Its a 60 deg. EWG with a flat eye.

I have alot of customers who like this head and some companies are using them on their jigs. I just dont want to have to buy pre-poured heads if I can just pour them myself. I dont see these hooks on the Gami website.

Mr B

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Hey Mr. B.

I've been searching high and low for that hook. I've got a call into Gamakatsu about special ordering it. I've had a lot of success with this head and like you want to start making my own. Staminainc said sorry charlie on the mold so I'm hoping to find the hooks.

If its a mass quantity thing, you consider going "halfsies" on an order?

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Jigmaster, you're correct. That is the head/hook combo. I didnt notce it being less expensive than Stamina though, 3/4oz 5/ $5.30. I would be buying them by the (50) at least, .96c ea.

If you have some of these hooks I would love to get some from you or better yet find out where you got them from.


Mr B

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Thanks for the info Jigmaster... you're a wealth of knowledge.

I'm sending you an email as well. Going to try to cook some more jigs with teflon tubing tonight.

Yeah I saw the jigs unpainted were cheaper than staminainc at $0.65 a head. Even the 50 count price.

I'm still up in the air about trying to make a mold and pour it with that hook. But the thought has been crossing my mind.

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how does that saying go......good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement........lol

i have screwed up my fair share of jigs playing around with stuff, trying to find solutions.......trial and error......it is always cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others......I am glad that I am able to contribute.

as for that teflon.......if you are still seeing deforming issues with the weedguards, which you may, depending on strand diameter and heat in the oven, try wrapping the weedguard bundles in HD tinfoil from the kitchen.......shiny side out...., and then sliding the teflon over top of the foil. The foil will act as an additional heat barrier. It will also allow for the guard not to lose its shape........with heat, it will tend to take the shape and diameter of the teflon tube.......(that is why the small diameter of teflon)...foil will eliminate that...it is more time consuming to use the foil method......but it works.

be careful not to let any foil touch the paint, as it will stick to it, and you cannot remove it once that happens.




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Can't give you a technical explanation. I'm playing with the jigs from Staminainc right now and I've caught some big smallmouths and spotted bass on Kentucky Lake, Table Rock Lake, and another lake in Oklahoma. So I know they work. But I've not done a comparison to see if I get a better hookup ratio with the straight hook versus the wide gap hook?

Maybe someone else has.

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I just have a hard time thinking you need a flat eyelet vs a straight one?? The line tie is at the same exact angle and the gap is the same??? Just weird why there is this sudden craze over a flat eyelet but nobody can explain why it's better? I've been using the straight eyelet and have no problems on hookups. I guide for Spotted bass in deep clear lakes here in Georgia over 150 + days a year and we have zero problems. Now if your comparing a 60 degree to a 90 degree then your onto something. 60 degree bend is quite a bit more weedless than a 90 degree bend. Ever use a jig to flip grass or heavy wood with a 90 degree bend hook?? hangup city. Just .02.

T Mike

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Yeah, I guess its a preference thing. The undying quest of anglers to find every unique angle, color, material out there to give them that "magic" edge.

It's funny to think the best anglers in the world catch a ton of big bass on a "brown jig with a straight hook".

I'm sure it doesn't matter but I like the quest nonetheless. 8O

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I myself dont care weather it is the standard line tie or the flat eye. The so called "Advantage" of the Flat eye is the knot will not slide to the top of the eye or down to the bottom of the eye. Therefor the eye will always be pulled at the same angle during the retrieve keeping the jig in the same position during the retrieve.

I personally like the Owner Deepthroat for my 60 degree hooks. They hold plastic trailers better and dont let them slide down the hook because of the bend in the hook.

Some of my customers just get caught up in "whats new" and think it will give them the edge. I prefer to throw what I have confidence in. :D

Mr B

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Jigmaster, thanks for the heads up on the Cast Industries site.

I am forever cross referencing hooks in the search for the perfect jig, spinnerbait etc. Upon closer examination I think that the hook that "Cast" uses is the Gamakastu straight eye Shiner hook (5141). The shape of the shiner hook including the crossed eye could easily be incorporated into a custom mold yielding the appearance of an EWG style jig, furthermore the Pro weedless football jig has a similarly forged hook. The other tell tale is the size selection offering which includes 6/0 hooks which is otherwise rare for Gamakatsu flipping jig hooks which often top out at 4/0.


Good luck,

Paul Shibata










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We purchase a fair amount of the 5141, and tie stainless wireguards on them, (think falcon "K" Whacky) we call it our talon series.....anyway, my point is...it is not the same hook. Quite similar, but not the same.

That being said, I experimented with the 5141, to see if I could bend it to fit my flateye mold......met with limited success, but I think it could be done with more patience.

Not the same hook, though.




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Ain't that the truth Mr. B. Guys really like that flat-eye football jig. And I've speculated that it's just because it's different. I bet I could throw the old 60 degree widegap straight eye and they'd never notice. LOL!

But I'm just getting into pouring my own heads (mainly to bring my costs down). But I also want to change the head a little too. So we'll see.

Good information again guys. Thanks.

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Mr B,give these guys a call.


They will tell you what you need.If you dont have a tax number check out there sister site devoted to retail sales.


Hell,I talk to Jim at cast once a week.i will ask him next time we talk what the Gammy equal to that mustad is.If you call him I am sure he would tell you as well.

Regardless of what the advantage or disadvantage is to a cross eye or straight,I would do the same thing and atempt to get what the people you are making them for wanted.


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